Standard Continuous Checks
Choose from a few simple options such as background color and layout style. We guarantee our Standard Continuous Checks to be compatible with today's most popular software packages. Naturally, only the best materials are used, and we follow exact bank processing requirements.
Choose our Standard Continuous products for these other great benefits:
12 FREE Security Features Quantities: Start at 250 Sizes: 9 ½" x 7" or 9 ½" x 3 ½"
Pantograph Styles/Colors: Linen (green, tan, blue), Marble (teal, reflex blue, burgundy) Imprint: Black ink only
Border: Warning band border with padlock icon. Production: 5 working days
Standard Plus Continuous Checks

Differentiate with Standard Plus Continuous checks. Options such as ink colors, background, and border designs and perforation positions allow you to be creative and customizable.
Quantities: Start at 500 Sizes: 9 ½˝ x 7˝, 9 ⅞˝ x 7, 9 ½˝ x 6 ½˝, 8 ½˝ x 7˝, 9 ½˝ x 3 ½;˝
Background Designs*:
FREE! Select from over 50 different background designs Borders: FREE! 59 different border options to choose from.
Available in up to 3 parts (white, canary, pink)
Production: 5 working days